Red Shadows – VVAA

Witches Are Back collective released a 13 tracks compilation to support the campaign “Nessuna Da Sola – sostieni le sexworker” promoted by the transfeminist collective Ombre Rosse and a wide network of italian pro-sexworkers associations, in order to raise financial support for the sex workers struggling to survive during the lockdown, many of which already living extremely vulnerable situations and working on the streets in dangerous contexts.
Including tracks by: Cindytalk, Holiday Inn, Espectra Negra, Hyenaz, Anna Bolena, Lady Maru, Suit Kei and more.
Here link to the campaign (italian language): Covid19 – Nessuna da sola! Solidarietà immediata alle lavoratrici sessuali più colpite dall’emergenza – crowdfunding (
The facebook page dedicated to “Nessuna Da Sola”: Covid19-Nessuna da sola-Sostieni le sexworker | Facebook
The purpose is collecting funds to help sex workers in Italy during the COVID19 emergency.
In Italy many “non conventional” jobs have no real income (black money) and are invisible for the italian government. So they have no access to any kind of social assistance benefit. For the sex workers already living in precarity and difficult conditions, this has become a real humanitarian crisis.

Mastering by Rosa R. Tosto – RedSky studio (except track 02, 03, 05).
Artwork by Double_Why