QINAB first campaign design by Double Why
QINAB first campaign design by Double Why
queer is not a brand campain london 2021


QINAB in London, UK (2021)

QINAB arrived in London in 2021 through a subvertising action. Subvertising, a port-manteau of the words subvert and advertising, is a form of reappropriation of public space to spread political and artistic messages. Billboards and bus cabinets become the canvas to express anticapitalistic statements.  

Queer is NOT a brand.

“Queer is the cohesion of everything in conflict with the heterosexual capitalist world. Queer is a total rejection of the regime of the Normal.”

Mary Nardini Gang

QiNAB  is a transfeminist artistic action that claims the disruptive essence of the queer movement in opposition to the tendency of the market to appropriate its aesthetics, slogans and identities. 

The idea has been developed by Witches Are Back with the collaboration of various activists and collectives.

The action, started in 2021 and still ongoing, is taking place in the streets of some European cities, starting from Rome, and touching also Torino, Bologna, London, Berlin, Bogota´ and more,  through an action in digital and public spaces. 

A fundraising campaign financed the project  and gadgets were sold, reminding ironically that “queer is not a brand”.

The future developments of this action are open to collaborations and adhesions of those who feel interested by this topic.

The term “Queer”, originally a derogatory slur, has been re-appropriated since the 80s by the transgender, non-binary, lesbians, sex workers  and gay activists who were fighting to change society, not to conform to it.  

 They wanted fundamental social change and pursued an intersectional strategy of standing together with all oppressed people. Queer used to mean the refusal of the social norms that allow society to go on as it is, challenging the authority of church and state over our lives as well as the traditional family, that is the base of capitalist labour reproduction.

We have seen remarkable changes in the 50 years since Stonewall, in terms of greater rights and cultural visibility for LGBTQI+ people, that are now profitable market targets. Thus queerness becomes a kind of consumerist identity, which is the reason why corporations invade the pride march in many countries. 

Our paste-up action is about taking sides against this predatory appropriation of our struggles and identities done by brands, that is depriving them of their deep detonating anti-capitalistic force.  We would like to open a  discussion within the movement to understand how this is affecting it. 

Witches Are Back

Queer Is Not A Brand in Bogota, Colombia (2023)
Queer Is Not A Brand in Bogota, Colombia (2023)
QINAB original logo (2021)
QINAB original logo (2021)
QINAB in Bogota, Colombia (2023)
QINAB in Bogota, Colombia (2023)

Detail: “Queer no es una marca. Maricas y punk desde siempre” Bogota, Colombia (2023)

“Maquinas Deseantes” – “Desiring Machines” by Hogre and Doublewhy. Wall painted in combo with mural artists Toxicomano Callejero (The Punk panther) and Erre (Come mierda). Bogota, Colombia (2023)

queer is not a brand bogota colombia



QINAB design handmade on an advertising poster, then given back to the streets with the aid of local artists that participated in a subvertising workshop.   

Bogota, Colombia (2023)

QINAB in Rome, Italy (2021)
QINAB in Rome, Italy (2021)
queer is not a brand in rome
queer is not a brand

QINAB at Roma Pride, Italy (2023)  protesting in front of Corporations´ trucks


werbe pause exhibition

QINAB featured at “Werbe Pause: the art of subvertising” exhibition at Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (2022)

“This exhibition presents and international gathering of contemporary subvertising artists at Kunstraum Kreuzberg: a motley crew operating between post-situationism, activist-art, parafiction, hacker culture, public art, direct action and the countercultural public sphere.

The language of advertising reduces our public spaces and imaginations to a “capitalocentric” focus (J.K. Gibson-Graham) occluding other ways of being beyond the horizon of “capitalist realism” (Mark Fisher). 

Subvertising – as the name suggests – is a creative tactic of subverting consumerism´s reductive language using its own materials.

It does this by hacking and recoding its grammar: the vast re-combinations of trade-marked symbols that we have been trained to recognize and associate with.” (Incipit of the Catalogue´s book introduction)

Versione in Italiano:

Queer is Not a Brand (QiNaB) è un’azione artistica transfemminista che rivendica l’essenza anti-capitalista del movimento queer e vuole opporsi alla tendenza del mercato di appropriarsi delle sue estetiche, slogan e identità.

L’idea si è sviluppata partendo da un iniziativa del collettivo Witches Are Back e aprendo il confronto tra vari collettivi  e soggettività, dal bisogno di reiterare e rivendicare un concetto che non dovremmo mai dare per scontato.

L’azione si manifesta nelle strade di alcune città europee, a partire da Roma, arrivando a Torino, Bologna, Londra, Berlino, Bogota, attraverso un’azione negli spazi pubblici e digitali.

Una campagna volta alla raccolta fondi e degli eventi finanziano il progetto, unitamente alla vendita di gadgets che ironicamente ricordano che “queer non è un brand”.

Gli sviluppi futuri di questa azione sono aperti a collaborazioni e adesioni di chi sente suo questo tema.

Il termine “Queer”, originariamente un insulto, è stato riappropriato dagli anni ’80 dallə attivistə sex-worker, gay, lesbiche, transgender, non-binariə in lotta per cambiare la società, non per conformarsi ad essa. Aspiravano ad un cambiamento sociale radicale e perseguivano una strategia di lotta intersezionale, fianco a fianco a tutte le soggettività oppresse. Queer significava rifiuto delle norme sociali che sostengono la società etero-patriarcale, opponendosi all’autorità della chiesa e dello stato sui nostri corpi ma anche alla famiglia tradizionale, in quanto nucleo chiave della riproduzione della forza-lavoro capitalista.

Abbiamo visto cambiamenti enormi nei 50 anni da Stonewall in termini di maggiori diritti e visibilità per le persone LGBTQI+, che hanno fatto sì che ora costituiscano una fetta di mercato molto redditizia. Quindi “queer” si riduce ad essere una identità di consumatore, un target di mercato, motivo per cui i pride di molti paesi sono invasi dalle multinazionali.


La nostra azione è un modo di prendere posizione contro l’appropriazione predatoria delle nostre lotte e identità portata avanti dai brand e dal mercato, che in questo processo le deprivano della loro originaria forza eversiva anti-capitalista. Vorremo aprire una discussione all’interno del movimento per capire che tipo di effetti questa dinamica sta producendo.